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As a volunteer, you choose which department you want to work in. When you submit your application, you choose 3 departments in priority order, and we will make sure that you get to work in one of these.
Note that some departments fill up quickly, either because they are very popular or because there is not a need for so many volunteers there, and then we cannot guarantee that you will get to work in one of the departments you have applied for. In such cases, we will contact you to find a suitable department.

Also note that some departments require a certain degree of relevant experience. It is therefore important that you read about the various departments here, and include useful information in your application.

Click on the departments below to read about the tasks in the different departments.

Please contact us at if you have any questions.

At Arena you can choose between the following subdivisions:

  • Arena before festival [FULL - CLOSED FOR APPLICATIONS]
  • Arena during festival [FULL - CLOSED FOR APPLICATIONS]
  • Arena after festival [FULL - CLOSED FOR APPLICATIONS]

Arena consists of Rig, Stock, Runner & Decor. 

The tasks before the festival will thus vary between putting up fences, keeping the warehouse in order, decorating areas and helping to prepare our beautiful festival area! Note: shift 1 on Wednesday is considered a rig before festival shift.

During the festival, we need a group who can throw themselves around if something suddenly happens. In other words, it is difficult to say in advance what the tasks will consist of, but in familiar festival style there will always be something to do - whether it is fixing broken signs or putting up fences that have been exposed to unexpected gusts of wind. 

After the festival, the set-up tasks must be carried out, only in reverse. 

Remember to inform us about it if you have a drivers license as we need a couple of people per shift to help with runner assignments.

Adhoc needs people at work the days BEFORE the festival, and here we want good, handy people who have used some tools before.

Before and after the festival you have to work 3 shifts.
During the festival you must work 2 shifts.

This department needs good drivers who are able to behave professionally when transporting artists and their equipment to and from the festival. The shift times are from 07:00 to 2:00 and you must be able to maneuver 9-seaters. We give priority to those who have done similar work in the past, so remember to state this in your application.

Shifts during festival. You have to work 2 shifts.

If you work before the festival, you help set up the backstage areas. Then you have to work 3 shifts.

If you work during the festival, you are the contact person for a band throughout the day, and only need to work 1 shift as it will be a long day. The tasks consist of following up the band, making sure they have what they need and making sure they get on stage at the right time. You will be assigned a band by the Backstage manager and told when you will be working.

To work backstage during a festival, relevant experience is required, so remember to state this in your application.

It wouldn't be a festival without beer! We have several bars at the festival and all of them will be staffed by cheerful, service-minded people who are happy at a fast pace!

Bar experience is a plus, but not a requirement.

We have three main bars in the area which account for a large part of the sale of beverages during the festival; Main Bar, Black Dog and Carnivale.

The Main Bar is the largest at 75 metres, and is located between the entrance and the Scream Stage.
Black Dog is 50 meters long, and is located between Scream Stage and Vampire Stage.
Carnivale is 45 meters long, and is located between Vampire Stage and Moonlight Stage.

The tasks in all the bars are the same; sale, bottling and serving of beer, wine and soft drinks.

If you have turned 20 by the time the festival starts, you also have the opportunity to apply to work in the VIP area, where there is a larger selection of beverages. Here it is an advantage to have some previous experience, but not a requirement. [FULL]

The bar departement has shifts during the festival. You must work 2 shifts, and both shifts must be in the same bar.

Ekeberg Camping opens its doors only to Tons of Rock during the festival week, and here we need volunteers who can work as hosts. That means directing campers to the right place, answering questions and making sure the campsite looks nice at all times. The biggest task is to set up the area, and we are therefore most in need of people on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday during the festival week.

Shift Monday-Saturday. You have to work 2 shifts.

A lot of food will be prepared and served during the festival week, and for that the Welfare & Catering team needs volunteers who have a flair for cooking, can cope with heavy work pressure at times and who otherwise have an infectiously good mood. In addition, the working day will consist of placing out coffee, water, snacks and fruit for everyone who works around the festival area.

Shifts before and during the festival. You must work 3 shifts if you work before the festival, or 2 shifts if you work during the festival.

This department is primarily located at the main entrance to the festival, and we need volunteers who can help with both ticket scanning, accreditation of guests and reception of people who will work at the festival. In other words, you will have a varied working day with many different tasks.

Shifts during festival. You have to work 2 shifts. 

It is also possible to work with ticket scanning and accreditation before the festival. You then have to work 3 shifts.

Lots of merch is sold, both band merch and our own Tons merch, and here we need service minded people who can operate cash registers and keep order in the sales tents. If you have retail experience, it is an advantage!

Shifts during festival. You have to work 2 shifts.

The environmental team ensures that the festival area is clean and tidy so that the audience and all of us who work there have a great experience. If you work in this department, you will experience concerts and the good festival atmosphere out in the area, before the rubbish that is picked up is transported to the environmental station and sorted. A great job for you who like varied and active tasks, and not least have a fondness for both rock and the environment!

Shifts before and during the festival.
Before the festival you have to work 3 shifts.
During the festival you must work 2 shifts.

If you are technically inclined and quick on the trigger when you receive messages, you will be welcomed in this department! Here we are looking for people who would like to have some kind of experience either in sound/lighting or as a stagehand, but if you don't have that, we just want you to be happy to learn, good at collaborating and able to behave professionally.

Change during festival. You have to work 2 shifts.

It is important to us that safety is maintained at the festival, both for the audience, artists, partners and all of us who work there. In this department, a distinction is made between (1) gate and admission guards, (2) those who work in PIT, and those who work with (3) medics. In order to work both in PIT and with a medic, some experience is required, so remember to state this in your application.

Regardless of what you want to work on within security, we want you to be welcoming, polite, conscientious and clear.

PIT and Medic have shifts during the festival. You have to work 2 shifts. [FULL]

Gate and entry guards have shifts both before and during the festival. You must work 3 shifts before the festival or 2 shifts during the festival.

Our beautiful VIP area needs hosts who ensure that the public who have chosen to buy an upgraded ticket can turn to cheerful and helpful hosts. Many different types of tasks can appear here, such as decorating and cleaning the area, catering, responsibility for various entertainment (keeping watch, accepting bookings etc.).

Note! There is a 20-year age limit to work at the VIP.

Shifts during festival. You have to work 2 shifts.


  • If you want to work in the VIP Bar, you must apply for BAR and then select VIP Bar shifts when the rosters are sent out. There is a 20-year age limit to work in the VIP Bar.
  • If you want to work with Decoration before the festival, you must choose Arena before the festival.

Facebook groups for volunteers:

We have one Facebook group for all volunteers. Here we share all general info that is important for all volunteers. This info is sent by email to all registered volunteers as well. You can find the group here.

In addition, we have Facebook groups for each department so you can ask your manager specific questions about your area of work and get to know other people you will be working with. Click on the department you will be working in to get to the right Facebook group.

Arena // Artist transportation // Backstage // Bar // Camping // catering // Discharge // Merch // Environment // Stage // Safety and security and Medic // VIP

For our non-Norwegian speaking volunteers:

We have a Facebook group for the volunteers that do not speak or understand Norwegian. We recommend that you are members of the main Facebook group and the one specifically for the department you're working in, in addition to this one. All the information that we send out is in Norwegian and we advise you to use Google Translate. If something still is unclear after you have translated the information, feel free to send us an email or ask a question in the Facebook group.

Find our english Facebook group here.